The enneagram is a very popular and accurate tool used to self evaluate and grow as an individual person. There are many social media pages and books about this topic. If you are new to the enneagram, and are wondering what it is, head over to What is the Enneagram. I summarize how it works there.
Let’s dive into what it looks like to be an enneagram five. You might have been told that you are an enneagram five by a friend or online quiz. Or you could have been connecting with images you’ve seen on social media. Take a look at the enneagram five and see how you relate.
Characteristics of The Enneagram Five
The enneagram five is known as the observer, the innovator, or the thinker. This person is very much in their head. They seek clarity through thoughtful conclusions. They are a problem solver. An enneagram five will look at a problem from every single angle. They will have thought through the outcome of every scenario. But sometimes they can spend too much time thinking about a topic. Instead of moving forward and taking action. They trust their thoughts more than they do their feelings. They do not believe that thoughts are ever wrong. They are very independent and expect others to be as well.
On the flip side, enneagram fives are very empathetic and caring people. A lot of the time we only see their thoughts on their face, not how they are feeling inside. So it is easy to think that they don’t have many feelings at all. Because they are so observant, they are excellent listeners. They usually prefer to observe rather than to take part. There are times when they feel like they know everything about everyone in the room. But they feel that no one in the room knows them in the same regard.
Time alone is very important to an enneagram five. That’s not to say that they don’t enjoy time with other people. They sometimes just need time alone. This is where they can sit and think. Which is important to them. They also need time to think through things. Do not ask a question they have never thought about before and expect an immediate response. They are going to need time to think their answer through thoroughly. They may want to walk away and be alone, or they may go silent. Do not assume that their silence means anything. They could be mad, sad, tired, or thinking. But they do not like you to assume that you know. Privacy is important to them. If they want to share a thought or feeling with you, then they will. But they do not like it when people pry too much.
Basic Desire and Basic Fear
The basic desire for the enneagram five is to be competent. They want to be useful. They desire to understand the universe and be able to play a fitting part in it. It is important for them to always be able to bring something to the table.
The basic fear of the enneagram five is to be incapable or useless. Showing their weaknesses can be hard, because they do not want to appear as helpless. It is as if they believe that if they can’t be of some use to someone, then there is no point to their existence.
Security and Stress
Every enneagram number takes on different characteristics when they feel secure or stressed. They will move towards specific numbers depending on their core number. It is important to note that going to either of these numbers is not considered good or bad. But awareness of this movement can help you self assess the state you are in.
When fives are secure, they will take on characteristics of the enneagram eight. They may become more assertive. And begin taking action on the subjects that they have thought about. They will become more determined and brave. Their friends will become more important to them. So they will begin to have more loyalty to individuals.
When the enneagram five is in stress, they will take on characteristics of the seven. They will become more restless and impulsive. Floundering their way through life. Feeling as if they are a puzzle piece belonging to a different puzzle. They become tired. Because they can’t find a place where they feel ok to simply be themselves. When living in this state, the enneagram five will be unreliable.
An enneagram five can have two wings. The enneagram four and the enneagram six. Wings are the numbers right next to the core enneagram number. It is possible to pull from these numbers at any time.
A five using their four wing tends to be more sensitive. They have more access to their feelings. They will tap into those emotions. Then, combine them with their thoughts, and create something very unique. Usually, the enneagram five wing four is more withdrawn and self absorbed. They think more about themselves and the universe than they do other people. In this wing a five will feel extremely misunderstood.
The six wing on the enneagram five holds more of their cautionary thoughts. They will be more scientific. Their thoughts combined with their caution will cause them to become more skeptical. They will question society and systems. But they also will be more extraverted and loyal to others.
What I love about the enneagram fives is that they are deep. They are very intellectual individuals, but there is so much more to them than that. An enneagram five will notice a person who feels left out. And they will reach out to that person. They help to solve the problems in the world. Their ability to detach themselves from emotions can give them a unique perspective. This is not a flaw when used appropriately. When you’re close to an enneagram five let them be exactly who they are suppose to be. That will allow their thoughts and ideas to grow into more meaningful concepts. They will see that there is something deeper than their own knowledge. And it will be intertwined in the mystery of the love they share with others.
For more information, I suggest a resource written for the enneagram four. Like this one. I also highly suggest The Road Back to You. I will post these resources below.