How to Know if You Identify Most with the Enneagram One

The enneagram is a very popular and accurate tool used to self evaluate and grow as an individual person. There are many social media pages and books about this topic. If you are new to the enneagram, and are wondering what it is, head over to What is the Enneagram. I summarize how it works there.

Let’s dive into what it looks like to be an enneagram one. You might have been told that you are an enneagram one by a friend or online quiz. Or you could have been connecting with images you’ve seen on social media that discuss the enneagram one. Let’s take a look at the enneagram one and see how you relate.

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Characteristics of The Enneagram One

Enneagram ones are known by a few names. The reformer, teacher, or perfectionist are some of those names. They like for everything in the world to be, well, perfect. They want to be perfect, they want you to be perfect, and they want the world to be perfect. They like structure and to be organized. It can help them to keep order. Not to mention, it is the right way to do things (at least in their mind). They are always trying to do the right thing. Right and wrong is very important to the enneagram one. They do things by the book and do not like to skip corners.

Because of their desire for perfection, they can appear as very critical. What is important to keep in mind is that their goal when they correct is not to criticize. They want everyone to reach their fullest potential. Including themselves. They have the inner critic in their own head telling them how to better improve themselves. It can be very hard for the enneagram one to do what they want to do. Instead, they will do the things they feel that they should do. Their duties can override their need for fun or pleasure.

There is a lot of anger in the enneagram one. Yet, they usually don’t admit to this. They use a different language to talk about anger. They may say that they are frustrated or annoyed, rarely using the word anger. But that is the drive behind many of their actions. You may notice it by the clenching of their teeth, or washing the dishes rigorously. Wrong doings make them angry. Whether they do it or someone else does it. Sometimes the anger will show itself in judgmental or critical behavior.

Basic Desire and Basic Fear

The basic desire for the enneagram one is to be good. They want to be upstanding. High levels of integrity is very important to them. Their goal is to be beyond criticism. It isn’t enough for someone to see them as good, virtuous, or perfect. Their desire is to BE that.

Their basic fear is being bad. These may sound simple, but it is a very big deal to the enneagram one. The thought of being bad, corrupt, or evil can bring so much shame to the enneagram one. Some feel as if their very core is bad, evil, or wrong. They’re scared to death of this being true. So they do everything they can to convince you and themselves that it’s not.

Security and Stress

Every enneagram number takes on different characteristics when they feel secure or stressed. They will move towards specific numbers depending on their core number. It is important to note that going to either of these numbers is not considered good or bad. But awareness of this movement can help you self assess the state you are in.

When ones are secure they take on characteristics of the enneagram seven. They are more outgoing, relaxed, and fun loving. They may start making more jokes and appear more confident. They’re simply fun to be around. That thing in them that makes them a lot of fun comes out when they go to the enneagram seven. They accept all that is good and bad and are able to enjoy life.

However, when they’re in stress they take on characteristics of an enneagram four. They can be a lot more critical. They may express thoughts of being a terrible person more than usual. They see themselves as so bad, and in that they start viewing everyone and everything as bad as well. They can be a lot more stubborn. And their anxiety may start to rise. It is as if all their emotions completely take over their body. They may do or say things that don’t make logical sense. It can be inconsistent with their normal behavior.


An enneagram one can have two wings. The enneagram nine and the enneagram two. Wings are the numbers right next to the core enneagram number. It is possible to pull from these numbers at any time.

For a one, a nine wing means that they can see the perspectives of others a little better. They’re a little more relaxed and maybe more introverted. They can be more objective and detached from people or situations. This is their more their chill side.

When they go to their two wing, they are a lot more helpful. By that I mean that they are going to try to help others overcome imperfections. They are more vocal about improvements they see could be made. They’re also more sensitive and sympathetic.


One of my favorite things about the enneagram one is that they can see what perfection looks like. And that’s a very beautiful thing. They can look at a tree and see how if one branch was moved a little differently it would make a perfect scenery. That’s a wonderful gift to have. A one that has done their internal work, has the ability to see perfection. But are also able to enjoy the imperfections for what they are.

There is freedom that a one can find in the imperfect. Just because things are orderly does not mean that they are right and good. Love is very messy. To fully embrace that, a one will have to let go of their order or ideas of what is good and bad. They have to cling to grace. Which says that imperfections are perfect.

For more information on the enneagram one, I will post a few resources below.